Case Study: LG x Harvey Norman TVC colour grade

How do you make video look like the print campaign?

1st December 2022

Recently we colour graded an LG x Harvey Norman TVC for News Corp, which was the video interpretation of a print campaign for Vogue Australia.

The creative team of Rich McAuliffe, Karen Ng and Paloma Drehs sent through a detailed visual document and reference videos from YouTube and our website (including this Dermalogica commercial) –  a great brief and starting point!

Of course the existing Vogue print campaign had been re-touched, so one of the main focuses in the grade was to make the skin tones similar.  In the video footage the skin tones were warmer and creamier, so our colourist Angela Cerasi went about making them cooler, cleaner and clearer.

Harvey Norman X LG Vogue Print Campaign
Still from the retouched print campaign
Harvey Norman X LG Vogue Print Campaign
Still from the retouched print campaign

Skin also needed to appear smooth and blemish-free. Some shots featured a lot of colour spill which needed to be kept, while maintaining the consistency and cohesiveness of skin tones throughout the video – this meant adding ‘fake’ colour spill in some shots and reducing it in others.

We also did this with the colour transitions in the room itself – pulling back on the navy, magenta or aqua in some of the shots to keep it consistent through the commercial – while always referring to the existing print work.

Grading 100% remotely meant the collaboration had the flexibility of no time or location restraints. Angela supplied work-in-progress grades along the way, allowing the creative team to give feedback from wherever they were, whenever suited them.

We all took a break and came back to it with fresh eyes the following day. Our feedback following the end of the session?

“Beyond incredible how you elevated the pictures, we can’t stop watching it!” 

✨Peachy perfect!✨

Peachy Keen Colourist Angela Cerasi colour graded this shot of a white, blond model with blue eyeshadow and a black and gold dress, posing in a pink and blue-lit room, for the Afterpay Australian Fashion Week TVC campaign for LG X Harvey Norman
Still from the colour graded TV commercial
Peachy Keen Colourist Angela Cerasi colour graded this medium close up shot of a white, blond model in a gold dress and a black male model in a white suite, in a blue & red lit room, for the Afterpay Australian Fashion Week TVC campaign for LG X Harvey Norman
Still from the colour graded TV commercial