Love Over Money

1hr 41min Documentary


Directors: James Colquhoun, Laurentine ten Bosch & Enzo Tedeschi
Producers: James Colquhoun, Enzo Tedeschi & Grace Mora
EP: Joaquin Phoenix
Production Co: Food Matters®
DOP & Editing: Matthew Bennett

Senior Colourist Angela Cerasi did the colour grade for this documentary about John Robbins, an heir to ice-cream company Baskin-Robbins, for the production company Food Matters.  The documentary was directed by James Colquhoun, Laurentine ten Bosch and Enzo Tedeschi.


Love Over Money – the man who walked away from Baskin-Robbins, is a deeply touching, personal experience and is the documentary memoir of John Robbins.  The Baskin-Robbins ice-cream empire was founded by John’s father Irv Robbins in 1945.   Growing up John had it all; money, prestige, and unlimited ice cream along with an ice cream-shaped swimming pool.


By the time John was in his early 20s, Baskin-Robbins had grown to become the largest ice-cream company in the world, and John, as his father’s only son, was the heir apparent.


But John was growing apart from the company and from his father. He was abhorred by the mistreatment of the dairy cows producing the milk and cream used in the company’s ice cream, the health effects of over-consuming sugar and dairy, and by the environmental damage caused by industrial meat and dairy production. Plus there was a growing political divide emerging between the two over the Vietnam war, and over his father’s opposition to the work of Dr. Martin Luther King.


John decided to walk away from the company, and from any money or trust funds connected to his father. Along with his wife, Deo, he then moved to a tiny one-room log cabin they built in the woods on a small island in British Columbia, where they lived for the next 15 years.


What happened next took him, his father, and the world completely by surprise.


Angela Cerasi has collaborated many times with Enzo Tedeschi.  Check out this trailer for the observational documentary series Founder, also directed by Enzo and with the colour grade by Angela.