JBL Quantum Guide Play Case Study

Remote Colour Grading with Peachy Keen Colour

13 May 2024

Case Study:  A remote colour grade with Peachy Keen Colour – from Brisbane to Melbourne to Singapore.

What can you expect from your remote colour grade with Peachy?

Peachy Keen Colour, is a provider of stunning colour grades.  Our mission is to be delightful, transparent, and flexible to work with.  In this spirit of transparency, we have broken down our process from the first client interaction to delivery of the final graded files in this following case study.

Peachy’s Client: 

TRUCE, a production company based in Melbourne, Australia.

Their Client:

BLKJ Havas, the agency – based in Singapore.

Our Involvement:

Peachy colourist Angela Cerasi remotely graded this project from her Brisbane-based studio.

The Project:

A content piece showcasing JBL’s efforts to close the gap for visually impaired gamers.

JBL Quantum, renowned for its precise immersive sound, introduces ‘Guide Play.’ Developed over two years in collaboration with visually impaired players, this innovative technology uses AI and machine learning to transform gaming environments into immersive sounds. Now, visually impaired players can navigate and compete on par with sighted gamers. Initially launched for over 1000 players, Guide Play will soon be open-source, accessible to all games, revolutionising inclusivity in gaming.

Image from Peachy's JBL case study featuring a man smiling with JBL headphones on

Image from the TRUCE x BLKJ Havas campaign for JBL Quantum Guide Play

Colour Grade Brief:

The brief was to elevate the images, make them cohesive and to give them a “natural” feel with a cool, blue undertone.

The Head of Production at TRUCE in Melbourne, Mike Ciccone, sent Peachy a comprehensive pitch deck with a colour brief, featuring Photoshopped examples illustrating the desired outcome. 

Image from the TRUCE x BLKJ Havas campaign for JBL Quantum Guide Play


Confirmation and Booking:

The job details and rates were promptly confirmed with Peachy Keen Colour’s studio producer via email. Once confirmed, the project was booked in for colour grading.  The studio producer provided media delivery options and booked in a briefing session.  

Media Transfer:

Agency BLKJ Havas in Singapore sent a Digital Pigeon link containing the ungraded footage: 2.5 minutes of content in ProRes 4444 XQ at 3420 x 2160 resolution, conveniently pre-conformed as a single 10GB file. Peachy confirmed the receipt of all materials, ensuring readiness for the grading process.

Workflow Confirmation:

On the day of grading, colourist Angela connected via phone with the wonderful Mike from TRUCE, to discuss the brief and confirm the workflow, including details on when WIPs would be sent and how feedback and reviews would run with the international agency and time differences.


As this was a straightforward colour grading brief (one location, one visual look, no VFX or comp layers), Peachy proposed sending the entire grade by lunchtime. The production company was delighted with this quick turnaround but flagged that they wouldn’t have any feedback for us until the next day as the agency was overseas. Flexibility is one of our core values, so this was no problem whatsoever.  The grade could continue whatever day or time worked best for the agency and client.

Image from the TRUCE x BLKJ Havas campaign for JBL Quantum Guide Play

Client Interaction:

Peachy’s colourist delivered the grade via a streaming link, which was made downloadable for the agency. Additionally, Peachy Keen provided a monitor guide to help the agency’s client ensure optimal viewing conditions and test the colour correctness of their viewing screens.

Invoicing and Payment:

The invoice was sent once the first grade pass had been delivered, and prompt payment was made before high-resolution grade files were released.

Feedback and Finalisation:

Feedback from the agency arrived the next day, with no requested changes.  Peachy promptly exported/uploaded the final graded video, a 3420 x 2160 ProRes 4444 XQ file, ready for download by the agency.


The entire process, from confirmation to final delivery, was fast and seamless. The streamlined approach coupled with flexibility and prompt communication, ensured a stress-free experience for our clients. The client was delighted with the colour grade, with no requested changes. 

Image from the TRUCE x BLKJ Havas campaign for JBL Quantum Guide Play

Peachy Keen Colour’s streamlined approach to remote colour grading, coupled with flexibility and prompt communication, ensures a stress-free and efficient experience for our clients.

Ready to start the process? Learn more about the Peachy Process. We can’t wait to chat about your colour grade.