Perspective Shift

3 x 30 min documentary series


Series Director: Genevieve Clay-Smith & Josh Searle
Series Producer: Leah James & Briana Miller
Production Co: Taste Entertainment
EP: Henry Smith & Sally Browning

Angela Cerasi graded this series with a focus on inclusive filmmaking, exploring the triumphs and trials of three of Australia’s top creatives, who are also people with disability.  The series was produced by from directors Genevieve Clay-Smith & Josh Searle.  Angela Cerasi also worked closely with EPs Henry Smith & Sally Browning and producers Leah James & Briana Miller.


Taste Entertainment, and their sister company Taste Creative, founded by Genevieve Clay-Smith and Henry Smith, have a focus on inclusive filmmaking.  The production of all their projects includes pathways for people with disability to gain professional experience in front and behind the camera  All Taste Creative productions are eligible to gain Inclusively Made certification, the global standard of inclusion in production.


Perspective Shift was a three-part documentary series that explored the triumphs and trials of three of Australia’s top practitioners in the arts industries, who also happen to be people with disability.  Each 30-minute episode focuses on one individual excelling in an area of the Arts and explores their craft and their life experiences. 


People living with disability are often portrayed in the media through a lens of pity or a source of inspiration for just doing something everyday.  Taste Entertainment’s approach was to tell the stories of people with disability who had achieved amazing things by the world’s standards, and they would just happen to have a disability. The result is two seasons of the beautiful TV mini series called ‘Perspective Shift’.


To see a short film colour graded by Angela Cerasi for Bus Stop Films, a sister company to Taste Entertainment, that also focuses on inclusive filmmaking, check out the trailer for Way Out Assistance, here.