Inside Studio A



Director: Cybele Malinowski
Creative Director & Producer: Amelia Bowe
Production: Studio Mondo
DOP: Selina Miles
Editor: Luey Conway

Studio A is a Sydney based arts company that provides professional development for artists with intellectual disabilities.

Part documentary, part fashion editorial, ‘Inside Studio A’ is a unique peek into the magical world of Studio A: getting to the heart of how art and Studio A defines the artists’ worlds, and in turn how they reimagine and impact the world around them.

Creative producer Amelia Bowe, director Cybele Malinoswki, DOP Selina Miles & their team showcased 5 Studio A artists; Mathew Calandra, Thom Roberts, Catherine McGuiness, Jaycee Kim and Meagan Pelham and Studio A’s founder Gabrielle Mordy, capturing their stories and talents to share with the world.

The film was given a light and natural grade by Senior Colourist Angela Cerasi for Peachy Keen Colour. She collaborated with director Cybele Malinowski, who wanted some vintage feels (some of the footage was shot on a Super 8 camera). Angela played around with contrast, grain, softening and colour vibrancy to elevate the pictures and give the story a light, vintage, soft, beautiful and artistic feel. We pushed in interesting shades of colour to backgrounds, made highlights billowy and added textural grain. The result is a unique, beautiful and bold look that elevates the video into a cohesive and compelling art work in itself.