Case Study: Bulla Brand TVC colour grade

What does a 'light' grade feel like?

7 September 2022

A ‘light’ colour grade embodies freshness, cleanliness, pureness and freedom.

A ‘light’ look and feel is soft, bright, airy and dreamy. It has gentle colours like neutrals and pastels.

You might choose this look for beauty, skincare, hygiene, baby and dairy commercials.

We recently showcased a ‘light’ colour grade on this Bulla Brand commercial.  The campaign was created by Taxi Film Production x Publicis x Alt VFX.

A light grade for the Bulla Brand TVC

Senior Colourist Angela Cerasi went into more detail about how to achieve the light colour grade:

“Director Ronald Koetzier and I worked remotely to give this campaign a light feel – making the dairy products feel creamy, fresh and pure.

Enormous attention to detail goes into colour grading each shot. There might be 20 nodes (layers) of grading work in a single shot. The nodes do everything from brightening the top part of a creamy swirl, to dimming the under-side of a ripple, to making a spoon glisten. And these all might be animating as the product and shot moves!

Getting depth and texture in the colour white while keeping the overall feel fresh and light can be challenging. There are lots of colour grading tricks involved in getting table-top imagery to look as stunning as possible.”

Peachy Keen Colourist Angela Cerasi colour graded this slow-motion shot of glass filled with a muesli and berry yoghurt parfait, for the brand campaign for Bulla "Yoghurt", directed by Ronald Koetzier - a light grade

Peachy Keen Colourist Angela Cerasi colour graded this shot of spoon of Bulla Whipped Cream, for the brand campaign for Bulla "Craft" - a light grade

Peachy Keen Colourist Angela Cerasi colour graded this shot of a melted Bulla Creamy Classics Neapolitan Cone ice cream, for the brand campaign for Bulla "Craft"

Peachy Keen Colourist Angela Cerasi colour graded this shot of a lemon tartlet covered in Bulla whipped cream, blueberries and blueberry sauce, for the brand campaign for Bulla "Craft"


Check out the Bulla Brand commercials here and here and some other light feels graded by Peachy Keen Colour here.