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Agency: Elevencom
Production Co: Tasty Pictures
Director/DOP: Ronald Koetzier
Tasty Producer: Mark Bishop
Post Producer: Celeste Fairlie
VFX/ Post Production: Alt VFX
Colour Grade: Angela Cerasi for Peachy Keen Colour

Angela Cerasi’s colour grade helped make the pizza look extra delicious in this Dominos Pizza TVC directed by Ronald Koetzier.  Agency Elevencom worked with production company Tasty Pictures.  The commercial was graded onsite at post production facility Alt VFX by Angela, working closely with director Ronald to realise his vision for the grade.


There are no stylised looks or pushing the status quo when colour grading table-top food shoots – the food needs to look fresh and lush. Real but better!


For the Dominos Pizza campaigns the bold but natural grade is all about the details… the crispness of the salad, the tenderness of the cooked meat, the perfectly toasted pizza crust.


Director & DOP Ronald Koetzier has a very distinctive style and is known as the world’s most experienced high-speed motion control director.  He often uses slow-motion table-top photography to great effect.  Ronald is one of the few willing to take on difficult projects using liquids, ice-cream and chocolate as he is confident in his ability to produce precise and exceptional imagery.   In his projects, he becomes the engineer of the picture by concentrating on each necessary element of it – the light, slow-motion, colour and effects – everything needed to achieve a perfect and mouth-watering final picture.  


To see another commercial directed by Ronald Koetzier and colour graded by Angela Cerasi, check out this one for Bulla: a brand film for Bulla yoghurt.